About Bosch Learnerships

A Learnership is a work-based learning program that leads to a nationally recognized qualification that is directly related to an occupation. Learnerships combine a structured learning component with practical work experience that is acquired while being employed in a company, Learners in learnerships have to attend classes at a college or training centre to complete the classroom-based learning, and they also have to complete on-the-job training in a workplace. In this instance RBSA Learners are attending classes at RBSA in the Training Room.

Robert Bosch (Pty) LTD appointed College of Production Technology as a Training provider for Production Technology Learnership.

The appointed Learners will earn a Production related qualification equivalent to NQF L2 after a Twelve Months period. The number of credits gives an indication of the duration of the programme. Production Technology Learnership has 120 credits, and if the Learners successfully complete this learnership they will be awarded 120 credits on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), a recognized certificate by the department of education and training. Learnerships details

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